(I dont know it seemed like the right way to start this)
Well, great news, Mom and I had our appointment at Kleinfelds this weekend and we found a dress. I believe it was dress number 7. I'll be darned if I can find a picture of it though.
We started out the day with a Bagel. Mom got up early and grabbed breakfast for us. Then she and I went to the hair salon, our favorite. While Mom was getting her "wash and blow" I went and got my eyebrows done. Ive been trying to thicken them. Give me a softer look.
I grabbed a redbull, we threw on some makeup, and then we 3 were off. Jonah led the way since he knew the area better than I. We got there and I was completely a ball of nerves! Its such a big day. Trying on the "most important dress of your life". Im going to say I agree with this statement because what other dress holds that kind of weight in a normal womans life?
I was also nervous because if you know me you know I detest being the center of attention. This dress will be the dress that all the most loved and important people in our life will see me in. It's a vulnerable kind of thing.
Anyway, we walked in and it was really neato inside. We took a seat and waited for our consultant to come get us. We got Sarah (shes on the show). She was pretty cool. I asked her a lot of questions about herself and her wedding/honeymoon to mask my nervousness. I was already nearly naked and I needed a distraction.
Dress number 7 was the lucky one. The first one I tried on was the one I thought I had always wanted but it made me look...old. Really old. So I threw that out and told Sarah Im open minded, let me see what ya got. So she brought in a few and there was one that I really like but the 7th one got me even while on the hanger. The flow was pretty and soft. It was feminine and garden-esque.
Sarah then brought out the big guns, a flower for my hair and a veil. I was sold. No tears. Not from Mom and not from me. Just a sense of satisfaction that we took care of this part of the wedding.
All in all it was a nice experience. When we got home we toasted to the dress and the wedding with a very special bottle of Dom Perignon that Mom has been saving for a special event. She even got she and I engraved flutes.
Jonah is curious, as he should be. Soon enough...