We’ve been in DC for 3 months now, guess its time to unpack. We weren’t sure if we should stick with this apartment or rent one closer to my office. Truth is this apartment is beautiful and really more space than we really need. But the cool thing is we have a hobby room which we will make into an awesome guest bedroom soon.
Since Jonah is a musician and I’ve always loved all things music we decided that would be the theme of the guest room. We will get a futon from Ikea and make throw pillows out of old band t-shirts. Then we will make curtain by copying album covers onto fabric and patching them on to some curtains. We will also frame some of our favorite rolling stone covers. We will also hang Jonahs guitars on the wall. We are pretty excited about our project. We can only hope it looks as cool when its done as it does in our minds.
We finally cleaned the room out. It was filled with boxes full of boxes and what not. It looks so much better. Jonah has all his recording equipment in there which is pretty messy looking but he has promised me that by the end of the week that will be taken care of too.
I hung some pictures as well this weekend. We need to have them framed but until that good ‘ole promotion kicks in they are just posters on the wall. We really are pleased with our picks.
Jonah had a big job interview this week. I could not be prouder of him. He thinks he nailed it. It was for a screen writer for the government. How cool, right? Im most excited that if he gets it he will be happier than his current position and the benefits working for the government are fantastic. Praying hard.
I went ahead and sent the menu choices to the wedding planner. I had to make a decision and with the guest list being rather large we needed to go with the food stations rather than the table service. Mom made some good points, kids generally don’t eat the meals served and people prefer choices. We went with two meats, potato station, salad station, and asparagus wrapped in bacon. The flowers have got to be peonies. I love them. I could stare at them all day. What a beautiful creation God gave us. I told Jonah, “I don’t wanna stop watching them, Im afraid I’ll miss something”. They just make me happy and even though its fall they will have to do. The cake will be four tiers and 4 different fall-esque flavors; pumpkin spice, maybe a carrot cake or maple something or other. Fun fact: it wont include walnuts because I’m allergic. So that all I have for now on the wedding front.
We got some of the engagement pictures back. Just as I thought, we weren’t happy. Jonah does not want to use her for the wedding and truth be told I don’t either. They aren’t horrible, just not great angles of us. I will post one or two here, our favorites. He wants to go get more engagement pictures and to be honest Im just not interested. We have so many other expenses with the wedding that the engagement pictures will just have to be left as is. We just wanted one or two to frame. Who knows, we haven’t gotten the whole cd yet, maybe there are some that we will like there.
Went to the doctor for a follow up on the cysts this week. All is well. She explained that every month a cyst will form and some will be bigger than others and the one that I had must have burst making it very painful but the tests that she did showed that everything was fine and that I wouldn’t need surgery or anything, Thank God! Really no pain either. She also was impressed with my weightloss since the last time I was there and even gave me a little help. With 4 months until the wedding it is one of the only things I can think of these days. The wedding dress isn’t even in yet and Im nervous how I will look in it. Its been so long since I tried it on, February 12th to be exact. I guess most girls say that though, since it takes so long to come in.
This weekend we have company!! Eddie, Beth, and my babies are coming to visit! Ed and Beth will go out on the town and I will play with the kids and Jonah will work. I can’t wait. I miss the kids. I haven’t seen them in a few weeks, and to be honest while staying tuned in with the Casey Anthony case, I just want to hold those kids tight and thank God their parents are great and sane… most of the time.
Anyway, can you tell our internet is down? I was bored and filled ya in on everything! I guess I should go clean and organize another room. Thanks for stopping by!