As promised... my Birthday and Thanksgiving...
My birthday started a day early, November 25, when the office surprised me with a birthday song and an ice cream cake. Then the most amazing happy birthday serenade by this guy I work with who is a choir singer. It was beautiful and powerful!
Then Jonah picks me up from work and we got home and he gives me his birthday present with the sweetest card! He got me an Ipod Touch! It is so amazing and I love it. He's gunna teach me more about it soon, I hope (hint hint Honey).
Thanksgiving started a little late. We slept in, being that it was my birthday and we only had a small turkey to cook. The plan was to catch the end of the Macys Day Parade. Well we rushed to get ready and hopped on the train and came out of the subway to see the back of the very last float. What a disappointment. But we ran around trying to keep up with parade until we realized it wasnt going to happen. So we watched the floats die and carried on with our day, on to Micky Ds.
We attempted to rush home so we could pick Terry up from the Hotel he was staying at. Turns out he had an over night in NYC and was able to eat dinner with us. It was great to have Thanksgiving dinner in our first apartment and it was great to have Terry as our guest.
When we came home our super went crazy. It pretty much ruined the great mood we were both in. Im still reeling about that one.
Wonderful time was had by all... until about 9pm.
I am counting that as my adventure for the week and this weekend im taking it easy doing domestic things like organizing my closet, doing laundry, and avoiding dishes...
Lots of Love!
I was thinking of you thanksgiving morning as i was watching the parade on tv.. wondering if you went to see it.....:0)