Twenty six has always been my favorite number.
Twenty six is the day in November I was born.
Twenty six has always been one of the lottery ticket numbers I played.
Twenty six is part of most numeric things I choose.
Twenty six is when I surrendered to love.
Twenty six is when I moved to my dream city.
Twenty six is when I began to live my life.
Twenty six is when I realized I inherited the same work ethic my parents have.
Twenty six is when I decided to start living and play lead in my life.
Twenty six is when I got a reality check into the real world.
Twenty six is when my heart broke leaving my family to make my own life and family.
Twenty six is the year the disappointments life sent my way made me truly stronger.
Twenty six is when I started to believe in myself.
Twenty six is the year I started to really figure out who I am.
Twenty six had a resolution: "So What" and it worked.
Twenty six was a fantastic year for me.
Twenty six, please rub your magic off on Twenty seven. I have a feeling it may not be quite as kind as you were to me. But here's praying!
Twenty Sevens resolution: Live life to the fullest, Laugh about everything because every day is a privilege, and Love with all my heart without restriction and myself.
I love you! :) and I am so glad :) I think 25 is going to by year for a lot of these things...and part of 24 haha :) I LOVE YOU!!! Happy BIRTHDAY!! :)