Missed a week or so. A lot of fun has been had!
Last weekend is kind of a secret but I will tell you that it was exhausting and I got the best cuddles ever!
This weekend was pretty great.
I despise when someone tells you that they will perform a service and they don't follow through. Lets just say it was something that Jonah wanted done. We were ready and got there and they declined. I guess its for the best because they had never done it before and I'm not a fan of trial runs.
We went to an amazing Indian resturant. Yum yum!! I wanted to try some new stuff and plus Jonah has been ill for a while. He has had a low fever and has been so warm while sleeping that its actually uncomfortable to touch. I thought that, perhaps, a taste of home would be good for my Boy. It was soooo good. We'll be going back soon. Belly Dancer and all.
Santa stopped early. Jonah and I picked out bedding and waited for a sale. The sale happened and Santa pitched in to get it for us. It was our first big purchase together for our place. We love it! It looks so beautiful. We're really happy. Jonah wasn't real happy about the price but we work hard and deserve nice things.
Today, Sunday, we got so much done. Cleaned, put the tree up, decorated, baked cookies, cuddled. We even ventured out into the snow to go grocery shopping. Poor Jonah got a decent workout pushing our cart through the snow to get home.
We went and saw Everybody's Fine. What a good movie! It was very touching. I cant do movies with Dads. I get so emotional. Anything that has to do with a fathers relationship with his kids/ daughter or any movie that reminds me of my Dad has poor Jonah building an arch so that we can stay a float while watching. The floor gates open up and its o.v.e.r. Good Movie. Go see it.
Okay I guess I will post my pictures and work on Christmas cards.
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