We took our engagement photos this weekend with the very talent Ms. Porter Watkins. We are really excited to get a couple of great shots. To be honest, Im pretty nervous about the results because I haven't lost the all the weight I was hoping for yet. I know there are going to be some that I hate. We got a preview already. Not the best Im sure so I will wait to share with everyone until we get more. Hopefully by the end of the week we should have a handful. Our contract says we'll get them all in 20 days.
The rest of the wedding stuff is going pretty well. I need to leave the registry alone. I keep going in and deleting and adding. I just think about some of the stuff we added and think, "Will we use that often?" but I guess the point is to get the things that you will use and need. Its hard to keep that in mind.
I need to send the decisions to the planner then we will be a lot further along. Jonah needs to call our friends the videographers as well.
Oh and great news! Jonah got a promotion! I could not be prouder of him! He is taking his new role very seriously and I think its going to be a very positive thing for him and for us. Im really excited for him.
Ah, and one last thing on my mind, the wedding party. I am so stoked we have such a great group. Its been on my mind those who cant be a part of it for whatever reason. It saddens me, really. I have Beth, Kelly, and Hayley and then a bunch of Jonahs little cousins (he really wanted to make it a family event- sweet boy). But there isnt a time that goes by when I dont think of those who cant join us. I hate it but I also know it is what it is. Moving on...
Thanks for joining us, You!!!
I am sure they are BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to see!! :)