Now that Jonah has this new job we see each other less, as most of you know (I have been complaining about it for a while). We spend Sundays together and Saturday nights. This weekend I had wanted to celebrate Jonahs birthday, go to dinner and get him a new tattoo for his sleeve. Well we didn’t end up doing that this weekend.
Jonah wanted to go to a haunted house. He has never been to one before. The fun thing about my Husband is that he loves scary stuff but gets so darn scared he can barely take it. So he wants to do it but cant take it. He was a real hoot.
This particular haunted house was in Dulles, not too far from where we live. When we pull up we enjoyed the sounds of cracking whips and screaming. You could see the nervousness in his eyes. He tried to pull it off like he was cold. It was chilly but not that chilly! We had to wait for our living social deal to come through so it was more waiting and watching people run out of the house screaming. I enjoyed watching Jonahs mind race.
It was finally our turn and Jonah made me go first. He literally hid behind me. The first guy jumped out at us and yelled at Jonah, “Why did you put her in front”. Then that guy yelled to the rest of the guys in the house, “watch out boys, he’s using her as a shield”. Haha! It was fantastic. Jonah thought he would try to get in front again and then just couldn’t. Hilarious.
When we got out I jokingly said to him, “you’re my husband! You’re suppose to protect me”. He said, “Not from fake danger”. So there you have it folks! Fake danger does not warrant protection. Haha!
On Sunday we went to the mall and got mini massages and checked out our 10% of registries. I used the recycled program from MAC and turned in a few empty MAC containers and got a beautiful lipglass! Its bright pink! I adore it! Jonah also bought me a new pair of bright raspberry,sparkly flats. They are so pretty.
Did I mention that we cheated on our diet for the week after the wedding and now we are back on. We ate everything our heart desired and I was reminded why I enjoy our diet, I felt sick all week. So glad to have gotten that out of our system and looking forward to dieting again. I never thought I’d say that. We have made our new goals and are excited to reach them.
We are trying to decide on whether we will take a mini vacay on Thanksgiving weekend (my birthday weekend) or to do the family thing. It might be nice to get away since we are taking the delayed honeymoon. We’ll keep you posted. Also gotta work with our travel agent on the honeymoon plans. We are so excited about our European cruise. Amazing.
I turned my cell phone off when I got home on Friday and turned it back on this morning. Its been nice. I figured if it were an emergency than they would call Jonah. I have a sneaky suspicion that I have been thrown in to some drama, as always. Its funny, when Im not around to defend myself I get blamed for all kinds of things. No one approaches me, they all assume I have done it, said it, thought it. Ya know what, assume on! Im so tired of the constant defense. I have done it, said it, thought it, etc. Bah! I cant win and Im not going to try to win anymore. It was me.
Looking forward to this Halloween weekend. We have no idea what we will be or what party we will attend. We wanted to go to New York for Maryssas epic party. But since we are going to the big film screening the following weekend in New York we are going to skip out on this weekends party and find trouble here in DC. For those of you who haven’t heard, Ben made a short film with their production company, Wayward Revolution, and Jonah made the music for it. It has been accepted at a big film festival in New York so that’s the screening we are going to. We are so excited. Im so proud of Jonah and the boys. Lets hope it gets awesome reviews.
That’s all folks!
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