Nebraska called me the other day and asked that Jonah rock my world a little more gently, their feelin’ quakes. (My attempts at a goofy bad joke). I am very proud of my husband. He is doing such a fantastic job in his new job. Even though im not a huge fan of his new job, for a lot of reasons, he is doing a great job there. He works very hard for us and I really appreciate it. Not only that but a film he wrote the soundtrack for made it into a film festival, “White Rice”. He is so very talented and Im very blessed to be a part of his life.
We went to the screening this weekend in NYC. We had a really nice time. It was in the Tribeca Theatre and the showing was at 4:20pm. We took the bus, per usual, but this time there was no inappropriate groping, at least not by a stranger. My husband on the other hand can always be counted on to sneak a grab when he gets a chance.
The viewing was great. There were several friends that showed up for support. There were several short films shown at the same time. Ben said a few things at the end giving Jonah a shout out which was cool. It was nice. There was a cool lounge at the Cinema that we hung out in afterward and then off to Chinatown for dinner for some white rice. Fitting right? We didn’t stay the night because it was just too expensive being that the NYC marathon was this weekend.
So its official, the darn clock is ticking, ever so lightly. I have been having dreams about having a baby or holding a baby or having a sleeping baby in my arm. We are hoping to wait a few years before jumping into the big responsibility. I really think a decision like that needs to be taken seriously. Life will never be same again. You will never be able to just get up and go or sleep in on the weekends.
There is a whole new definition of “clean” for your home. We clean our house but with a baby around clean is sterile. Boiling bottles and making baby food. Eating differently for the breastfeeding. Free time will be different. Drinking too much isn’t okay when you have the responsibilities of the baby. There is a girl in the news now who has no idea what happened with her child because she drank too much. Its considered abuse. You wont be able to do this for a really long time. Not that drinking means that much to me. Ha! But its something that I do now that will need to change.
Bringing a baby in to your home is big and should not be gone into lightly. Now if God blesses us with a baby before we planned we will be thrilled to pieces! I believe every new parent should be required to take parenting classes before being able to take the baby home and take a test showing that you paid attention. Why? Because its not always a natural instinct like they say it is. There are things that you are told by friends and family that is incorrect. Bad advice. Your family deserves better than that. Being informed is key. Any parent that says they don’t need it is crazy. Whats the harm in being informed?
I have made some goals for myself before we start trying. I want to be at a healthy weight to carry a baby. I want to develop a healthy diet plan as well so that the baby gets all the nutrients it needs to develop. I want to take a few child development classes. I have taken a lot in college but it will be good to review and learn more. I want to take another big trip besides our honeymoon. I don’t know where yet but somewhere romantic and adventurous. I want to buy a home. We have a two bedroom now but I would like at least a 3 bedroom. I want to develop a nice little nest egg, want to be comfortable.
Its very possible none of the goals I have set will happen and we could have a surprise next month! Haha! But Im a list and goal maker. I would like to develop myself and us before bringing in a child. So until then I will continue to take the babies (Kayla, Landon, and Luke) and learn as much as I can from them. I take this seriously because if you mess up raising your children you cant take it back. That child will one day be an adult and that will be their past. They will one day be a parent and they will raise their child with their childhood in mind. Its so very important. Raising your children is most important job in the whole world.
Anway, its Sunday and we both have to work. Kinda stinks. But money is tight now so I cant imagine not having a job so I will work whatever day I need to so I can keep up with my work load.
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